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Crew Welfare Management and Mental Wellness 2nd edition
8 January 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted a need for further guidance on how to manage crew welfare and mental wellness management and, with this in mind, INTERTANKO’s Human Element in Shipping Committee (HEiSC) developed guidance and recommendations, which are written especially, but not exclusively, for crewing managers and shore-side staff.
Following extensive use and feedback, Crew Welfare Management and Mental Wellness has now been updated and is presented as a second edition.
The updated guidance includes advice on helping seafarers to deal with emotional stress and overcome negative feelings.
Additional guidance on cyber-related issues has been included and this is important as electronic communication has proved to be key during the pandemic.
While this guidance has been written during the Covid-19 global pandemic, the key principles are applicable at any time.
We would like to extend particular thanks to Eaglestar for allowing INTERTANKO’s Human Element in Shipping Committee to use its internal guidance in the development of this document.
Please note: Non-Members can access the document here.