Vetting Committee
"The INTERTANKO Vetting Committee has an important role within the tanker industry in both maintaining an up-to-date flow of information to the Membership but also in ensuring an open two-way communication with its stakeholders, thus offering feedback and validation on developments in the area of vetting and Port State Control inspections.
"The Committee has succeeded in building trust and collaboration with OCIMF and its Members through past leadership and this will continue to grow and strengthen moving forward. The broad and extensive knowledge, diversity as well as experience of the Committee will continue to feed the industry in vetting matters ensuring that a fair and transparent vetting system is in place within our industry with a common 'Goal Zero' amongst all being the driving factor.
"The Committee is ready to evaluate and contribute to the new developments and challenges of our industry, independently, and in collaboration with, all INTERTANKO committees."
Stefanos Stylianos, Chairman
Main aims
- To foster INTERTANKO Members’ interests in relation to inspections and screenings performed by entities such as Port States, oil and chemical charterers, P&I Clubs, hull underwriters, terminals and others
- To reduce the proliferation and the cost of ship inspections which should be transparent and justifiable
To this end, the Committee:
- Promotes recognition for the statutory work performed by Classification Societies
- Promotes recognition for owners’ maintenance programmes and self-assessment schemes such as TMSA
- Maintains an open dialogue with OCIMF/CDI/SIGTTO and the oil, chemical and gas companies to encourage dialogue
- Participates in relevant industry work pertaining to TMSA, and other industry standards relative to vetting
- Maintains relevant SIRE & TMSA benchmarking systems for the benefit of INTERTANKO Members
- Maintains an open dialogue with MoUs, PSC and other maritime related authorities and encourages participation in improving standards
- Encourages harmonisation of ship vetting systems through the OCIMF SIRE and CDI systems
- Encourages harmonisation of PSC targeting systems and the sharing of PSC detention information to assist with enhanced targeting
- Raises awareness and improves understanding of vetting issues through continuous updating of publications
Frans Ubaghs
Senior Vetting Manager, Deputy Marine Director
t: +44 20 7977 7017
Adele Robinson
Assistant Manager Marine
t: +44 20 7977 7013
Upcoming and recent events - click here
Please note:
Committee meetings are restricted to Members and only show when logged-in to the site
Main issues:
- Quality and fairness of ship-inspections
- Benchmarking and reporting databases
- Improving Member vetting performance
- Identify terminals not accepting SIRE or CDI inspections to be carried out and work to reverse such decisions
What is the Committee looking to achieve this year?
- Engage with Members on the implementation and feedback on the SIRE 2.0
- Support OCIMF with the transition phase of the SIRE 2.0 programme. Disseminate feedback from INTERTANKO Members taking part in the SIRE 2.0 transition phase and giving them support
- Actively engage with the OCIMF secretariat for the successful implementation of SIRE 2.0 later in the year
- Engage with OCIMF members maintaining up-to-date information on vetting issues
- Promote the use and regular review of INTERTANKO publications from the Committee such as the Seafarers’ Practical Guide to SIRE 2.0 Inspections and the Guide to the Vetting Process, and continually monitor and record changes
- Regular guidance on vetting and PSC for Members
- Acquire, develop and disseminate information extracted from vetting and PSC benchmarking databases
- Set up periodical meetings with OCIMF and energy companies to review the progress and feedback of SIRE 2.0 as well as TMSA developments
Vetting Committee Membership
The Vetting Committee is restricted to 30 members who provide a broad representation of the INTERTANKO Member Companies.
Committee members take active part in developing resource materials for the wider membership as well as addressing topical vetting related issues and providing a platform for the membership to liaise with and address their concerns with port state authorities and various vetting and ship inspection regimes.
Membership to the committee is based on individual expertise and ensuring that the committee provides a reasonably good representation of the geographical spread of the wider INTERTANKO membership as well as ensuring a good representation of the different industry sectors (Oil, Chemical and Gas) that are represented by the membership.
Chairman: Stefanos Stylianos - Minerva Marine
Secretary: Frans Ubaghs
Committee News
Vetting Committee minutes now available
The minutes from INTERTANKO’s 65th Vetting Committee meeting held in Dubai between 22-23 October 2024 are now available on the INTERTANKO... MORE
Vetting Committee minutes now available
The minutes from INTERTANKO’s 64th Vetting Committee meeting held in Trieste between 20-21 March 2024 are now available on the INTERTANKO... MORE
Vetting Committee meeting minutes now available
The minutes from INTERTANKO’s 63rd Vetting Committee meeting held in Singapore between 4-5 October 2023 are now available on the... MORE
Vetting Committee meets in Singapore
INTERTANKO’s Vetting Committee met between 4-5 October in Singapore, Chaired by Stefanos Stylianos of Minerva Marine. The key focus of... MORE
Vetting Committee meeting minutes now available
The minutes from INTERTANKO’s 62nd Vetting Committee meeting held in Stamford between 20-21 March 2023 are now available on the... MORE
Committee Resources
INTERTANKO Officer Retention Formula
INTERTANKO, through its Vetting Committee, has produced a single definition for calculating Officer retention. The Crew and Officer Retention Rates... MORE
Gap Analysis and Mapping of VIQ Version 7 vs VIQ Version 6 (Rev.1)
Gap analysis VIQ7 v 6 Since the launch of the seventh edition of the Vessel Inspection Questionnaires for Oil Tankers,... MORE
Related Topics/Issues
Terms of Reference
Vetting Committee
Terms of Reference
Download the Vetting Committee Terms of Reference (Approved May 2024).
INTERTANKO’s Vetting Committee’s aim is to foster INTERTANKO Members’ interests in relation to inspections and screenings undertaken and performed by Port State Control, the United States Coast Guard, oil and chemical charterers, P&I Clubs, hull underwriters, terminals, etc. with the long-term goal to reduce the proliferation of multiple inspections and the cost of ship inspections to the maximum extent possible. Costs of inspections should be transparent and justifiable.
To this end the Committee will:
1.1 Promote recognition for the statutory work performed by the Classification Societies with an emphasis on the IMO enhanced programme for the survey of oil tankers, e.g. the Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP), and the Condition Assessment Programme (CAP).
1.2 Promote recognition for owners’ maintenance programmes and self-assessment schemes.
1.3 Maintain an open dialogue with OCIMF/CDI and the oil and chemical companies to encourage input of INTERTANKO’s ideas.
1.4 Participate in relevant industry work pertaining to Tanker Risk Management.
1.5 Produce and maintain relevant vetting related benchmarking systems for the benefit of INTERTANKO Members.
1.6 Encourage co-operation and harmonisation between ship vetting systems.
1.7 Encourage the harmonisation of PSC targeting systems and the sharing of PSC detention information to assist with enhanced targeting.
1.8 Encourage the harmonisation of PSC training standards.
1.9 Promote and encourage methods to maintain the integrity of PSC.
1.10 Encourage the use of CDI or SIRE by charterers, Port State Control and others to reduce the number and scope of inspections.
1.11 Promote and encourage the use of INTERTANKO’s Terminal Vetting database.
1.12 Share the information collated from INTERTANKO’s vetting inspection and PSC inspection feedback forms with interested parties who can use the information to continually improve.
1.13 Develop Guidelines related to Tanker Risk Management for the benefit of INTERTANKO Members.
1.14 Ensure that work of this group assists in achieving the long-term goals of INTERTANKO.
2.1 The Committee is composed of a maximum of 30 members at any one time, including the Committee Chair and up to three Vice Chairs.
2.2 The Chair, Vice Chairs and the other members of the Committee shall normally be elected for a period of two years and may serve for no more than three terms of two years each.
2.3 Committee members are elected by the Committee and approved by the INTERTANKO Council. Elections and re-elections are held when the two-year tenure has been completed or when a Committee member steps down. Re-election is also necessary if a Committee member changes employment between Members / Member Groups.
2.4 Membership of the Committee is based on the expertise/ qualification of the individual and position within the Member/ Member Group of companies. Committee members should have experience and expertise which will contribute to the aims and objectives of the Committee. The aim is to achieve overall diversity and a balance of representation by region, trade type and fleet. Membership on the Committee rests with the individual, not the company the individual works for. Re-election is required should the individual change companies. Any term served will count against the maximum tenure.
2.5 The Committee Chair is elected by the Committee and approved by the Council. The term of office is two years, which may be extended for two further two-year periods. These periods are in addition to any time served as a Committee member.
2.6 Up to three Vice Chairs may be elected by the Committee and approved by the Council. The Vice Chairs’ term of office is two years which may be extended for two further two-year periods. At any one time, one Vice Chair may also be elected or remain Vice Chair provided that he/ she may not hold office for a period of longer than eight consecutive years at a time. These periods are not in addition to any time served as a Committee member.
3.1 The Committee will typically meet at least twice a year.
3.2 Committee members shall endeavour to attend all Committee meetings but in any event shall attend a minimum of one meeting per year. Members shall make every effort towards active contribution to the work of the Committee and actively participate in the discussions. Should a Committee member not be able to attend, the member is encouraged to submit written comments. Repeated non-attendance may result in a review of Committee membership. Committee members who have not attended nor engaged in at least 50% of meetings during any two-year tenure will not be proposed for re-election unless extenuating circumstances apply.
3.3 The Chair may invite guests to the meetings, including to participate in working and/or correspondence groups that the Committee establishes from time to time.
3.4 As required, specific Working Groups and/or Correspondence Groups may be established to deal with and promote particular issues from the Committee’s work.
3.5 The travel expenses of the Committee’s members should be paid for by the Member company.
Committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with INTERTANKO’s Anti-Trust Guidelines.
The Terms of Reference of Committee and any revisions thereto shall be approved by the Council.
The INTERTANKO Secretariat will provide secretarial and administrative tasks for the Committee.
The Committee will report to INTERTANKO’s Council through its Chair, as required.
Anglo-Eastern (Singapore)
Mr. Michael Clysdale
Waterfront Shipping Company Ltd
Capt. Ashley M. Cooper
Scorpio Ship Management SAM
Capt. Richard Dsouza
Teekay Marine (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Capt. Christoforos Efstathiou
Unisea Shipping Ltd
Capt. Ashley Fernandes
Interorient Shipmanagement
Capt. Alastair Fleming
Northern Marine Management Ltd.
Capt. Ajay John Furtado
Stolt Tankers B.V.
Mr. Abhijit Ghosh
Ardmore Shipping Services (Ireland) Limited
Mr. Mario Grbic
Navigazione Montanari SpA
Mr. Torben Hertel
V.Ships (Glasgow)
Capt. Amit Jain
Unix Line Pte Ltd
Capt. Nikolaos Kallergis
Product Shipping & Trading SA
Mr. Anastasios C. Kartsimadakis
Tsakos Shipping & Trading SA
Capt. Brian King
MOL Tankship Management Pte. Ltd. (London Branch)
Capt. Frank Lasse
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Hamburg)
Capt. Tomislav Marijan
Tankerska Plovidba d.d.
Mr. Niall Mushet
Essberger & Stolt Tankers GmbH & Co. KG
Capt. Nikola Nekic
Bahri Ship Management DMCC
Capt. Jan Ove Ødegård
Odfjell Management AS
Capt. Evangelos Papadopoulos
Dorian (Hellas) SA
Capt. Sanjay Patil
MISC Berhad
Capt. Iain Scally
NYK LNG Shipmanagement (UK) Ltd
Mr. Ingo Schimmel
GEFO Gesellschaft Für Oeltransporte MbH
Capt. Mukesh Kumar Singh
OSM Thome (Singapore)
Mr. Stefanos Stylianos
Minerva Marine Inc
Mr. Odd Magnar Tysse
Westfal-Larsen Management AS
Capt. Mikhail Vasilyev
ABC Maritime
Capt. Leonid Zalenski
Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd